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How To Recover After Knee Arthroscopic

How To Recover After Knee Arthroscopic

Arthroscopic surgery is a surgical process where the cartilage in the tendons in your joint are reviewed by a surgeon and repaired. The process begins with a small incision around your kneecap through which a small tube is placed. This tube contains a small camera. The camera is used to reach small areas of your joint in search for the affected region. The camera will show images of the inside of your kneecap to the surgeon on the video monitors inside of the operating room. This allows the Arizona orthopedic surgeon to review the inside of your joint in search for the damaged area.

Once the damaged area is located the knee specialist in Phoenix uses a camera for guidance while they make a secondary incision through which miniature surgical tools are inserted and used to fix the problem. The process of arthroscopic surgery offers significantly faster recovery times compared to open surgery and the incision spots are both quite small. Once this process is complete the Arizona orthopedic surgeon is able to stitch up the incision and work with you to create a recovery plan.

This is a surgical process recommended after you have attempted all other nonsurgical treatment options with no success. If you have exercised all nonsurgical options and your knee joint continues to remain in flames or damaged this surgical option may be your only resort. A doctor will review your medical history and evaluate your current medical health prior to recommending a surgeon. This knee specialist Phoenix will speak with you about the process and what will happen before, during, and after. You might have to get blood work and a regular checkup completed by your primary care physician in order to verify your health. You should also make sure that while speaking with the Arizona orthopedic surgeon you discuss any medications or herbal supplements that you are currently taking. In some cases you may be asked to stop taking these items two weeks before the surgery takes place.

What happens before the surgery?

Before the surgery takes place the hospital will contact you to speak with you about what is expected in terms of your arrival time, what items you should wear, and what items you should and should not drink and eat. All advice offered must be followed. Should you have any questions the hospital staff will be able to answer them.

A local nerve inhibitor will be applied to your knee joint in order to inhibit the nerves in the region which send pain signals to your brain. The area will become numb but you will still be awake. If you prefer to not be awake during the process you can opt for general anesthesia in addition to the local inhibitor. If you have both forms of anesthesia you will help offset the amount of pain that you feel after the surgical procedure is complete.

Your orthopedic surgeon in Phoenix AZ will likely give you a plan for physical therapy. It is imperative that these recommendations be followed as they will help you to retain flexibility and improve strength in the joint.

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