Advantages of PRP Therapy
PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma therapy is a ground breaking treatment for many ailments, considered untreatable so far. One popular application of PRP therapy has been minimizing downtime after injury and allowing quick return to active play in high-level athletes.
PRP treatment utilizes and boosts the body’s natural healing mechanism to quickly repair damage to tissues, such as ligaments, tendons, and cartilage. PRP has also shown great potential in treating degenerative joint conditions, such as osteoarthritis, neurological and other disorders.
PRP is obtained from a small amount of the patient’s own blood. Platelet rich plasma is extracted from this blood and injected into the site of injury. Platelets and growth factors in PRP stimulate natural tissue regeneration and healing at the injury or damage site. Usually 3 PRP injections are administered 1 week apart, but this may vary depending on the site and extent of injury. Patients start experiencing significant reduction in symptoms and improved function, second injection onwards.
Conditions that can benefit from PRP
- Tendon injuries
- Hip, knee, and other joint osteoarthritis
- Hip and hamstring strains
- Knee injuries
- Rotator cuff injuries
- Plantar fasciitis
Benefits of PRP
- Lasting relief, compared to other treatments such as pain medications, or steroid injections
- Minimal risk of infection since the PRP is derived from the patient’s own blood
- Simple andfast outpatient procedure
- Potential to delay or avoid the need for joint replacement surgery
If you are suffering from a ligament or tendon injury that does not appear to be healing despite rest and conservative treatments, consult your orthopedic doctor about PRP therapy.